Gabby helping to pick apples at Avila Valley Barn
As you can see from the above picture, she is a drooler. That could have something to do with the top left molar she decided to make her first tooth. It looks as though her top left molar will be her second tooth. I'm guessing this is the reason she still doesn't sleep through the night, although she is a great napper. She has fully embraced eating solid food and gives a good screech every time the spoon leaves her lips to travel back to the bowl. She has refined her dinosaur growl and frequently has dino "talks" with her big bro.
Gabby all bundled up for an early morning walk with mommy ... just the two of us. A rare moment.
She is my music girl! She loves music so much. Her whole face changes at the sound of anything that even resembles a song... humming, whistling. She lights up like a Christmas tree. She moves with the music and "sings" with the music at any opportunity. She is so frustrated by her little body, she wants to do so much. She rolls over ... over and over again ... to get to where she's going. Gabby loves us to hold her hands as she stands and even tries to move her feet around like she's just itching to walk.
Gabby and Daddy at the park after a train ride into San Luis Obispo
Our dear sweet Gabrielle has brought so much joy to our home. She makes us smile with just one little glance and her little snuggles make any bad day turn into a good one.