We have another first: Nolan slept in his big boy bed overnight for the first time! We bought the bed over a month ago and let him just get use to it being in his room. I would put him in it for naps when he was really exhausted and that had seemed to go pretty well. Last night we were getting ready for bed and he climbed into his big boy bed all on his own, laid down and then asked for his binky and Jag (his favorite Jaguar stuffed-animal). We went through his normal routine and when I closed the door he lifted his head and said, "mommy?" and then just went to sleep. We had expected to have to put him back in bed in the middle of the night but he did great! He woke up crying once just after midnight and then again at 4am. Both times I went in his room briefly and let him know it was still night time, "I love you", "sweet dreams" and then left. The second time I went in there and found him lying on the floor. I asked him if he fell out of bed and he said, "Yeah" but was fine once I put him back in bed. He opened our bedroom door at 8 a.m. bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. We are so excited!