Monday, June 23, 2008
Training The Grandparents
Grandma AND Papa: clutching toys tightly to their chests "Mine, Mine, Mine"
Nolan: laughing and mimicing above behavior, "Mine, Mine, Mine"
Michelle: utter shock, "What are you teaching him!?"
What followed from there was a conversation about how above listed behavior would only make my child the dreaded child at all playgroups and how no one will play with a child like that leading to the formation of the next hermited, uni-bomber Ted Kazinski. Parental response consisted of rolling of the eyes (grandma) and a philosophical diatribe (papa) about natural instinct and the desire to possess being a nescesarry component for survival.
It's times like these that I look back at my childhood and think..... "No wonder".
To their credit....within a few minutes I had retrained the grandparents to play a new game with Nolan called.. "Share, Share, Share".
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
I Love My Daddy
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Nolan Laughs Again
I realize it has been almost a month since I last blogged about Nolan, and with good reason. The poor guy has been miserable with a new tooth, followed by a cold, and then finished off with Hand Foot and Mouth Disease. It sounds much worse that it actually is but let me tell was no walk in the park. His throat and mouth were really hurting him and absolutely nothing would console him. There was a breakout at the gym daycare that made its way into our March Monkey group and has seemed to be hitting the whole county in general. The doctors are very reassuring that it is typical run of the mill kid stuff but it does sound eerily similar to something barnyard animals get... and THAT is NOT reassuring
This is what he's up to lately:
*Nolan loves basketball (the one sport Martin is not very fond of but is starting to warm up to it considering the joy it brings Nolan). He plays basketball at his baby gymnastics and even took a run around the Kennedy Club Fitness court with Daddy pretending to dribble and shoot baskets while laughing hysterically.
*Grandma takes him for walks around her property and showed him the cactus plant. The next time I walked past it with him he quickly announced..."Cakta, no no no no" while shaking his finger. Apparently, my mom had explained that we don't touch the cactus.
*Nolan has finally figured out that he is not to splash around in the dog's water bowl. The next time I let the dogs in the house and Scout ran to her water bowl and started drinking he emphatically scolded her..."No, no, no, no"
*He works very hard to repeat words after we say them. He gives almost every word at least one try. His regular attempts are: bird, bicycle, basketball and waffle. He really suprised the lady at WhizKids toystore when my mom held up a ball and asked, "What color is this"? Nolan responded, "lel lellow".
*He has now learned to open all the doors and regulary want to be outside. The first thing he does in the morning is check if the front door and the garage door are locked.
*He still is in love with books and is constantly bringing them to us to read. He is still very active and loves to cimb thing but has a healthy fear for somethings now. I've notice that he now gets a little nervous about going down the slide...maybe it has something to do with the time he thought it was a good idea to try to run down the slide.
After a month of misery, leave it to Grandma Joyce to get the first smiles and laughs out of Nolan with a couple of her visits.
Monday, June 2, 2008
I Do! I mean...We Did! What I mean to say is...We Still Do!