Monday, June 23, 2008

Training The Grandparents

A Scene From Sunday Night At Grandma & Papa Joyce's:

Grandma AND Papa: clutching toys tightly to their chests "Mine, Mine, Mine"
Nolan: laughing and mimicing above behavior, "Mine, Mine, Mine"
Michelle: utter shock, "What are you teaching him!?"

What followed from there was a conversation about how above listed behavior would only make my child the dreaded child at all playgroups and how no one will play with a child like that leading to the formation of the next hermited, uni-bomber Ted Kazinski. Parental response consisted of rolling of the eyes (grandma) and a philosophical diatribe (papa) about natural instinct and the desire to possess being a nescesarry component for survival.

It's times like these that I look back at my childhood and think..... "No wonder".

To their credit....within a few minutes I had retrained the grandparents to play a new game with Nolan called.. "Share, Share, Share".

1 comment:

Juliette Joyce said...

We have fully learned our lesson about the concept of sharing. We have devested ourselves of all our earthly belongings and have taken our childs mandate to heart and have become dependents upon the kindness of others.

Mom and Dad