In case you're wondering what we do around here....
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
After the race, showing off the T-Rex tattoo Nolan picked out for me to race with.
In post labor tradition, I participated in the SLO triathlon on Sunday. This time I had 6 less days of training than I had after I gave birth to Nolan. All in all, it was a fantastic tri. I beat my time from 2 years ago by 6 minutes with a final time of 1hour 50 min 21 sec. I had set a goal time of 1hr 45 min to 1hr 50 min so I was pretty happy with the way things went.
The swim was fine, not bad - not great just fine. My transitions were the fastest I had ever done. The bike was awesome. I had every endorphin firing and was trying to tell myself to watch it, there was still a run after this but I couldn't stop myself from pushing full throttle. The run spanked me! I felt ok the first mile, walked most of the 2nd mile and ran through major quad cramps the whole last mile. Nolan had given the announcer at the finish line the heads up that I had Gabby 3 months ago so the guy announced it as I crossed the finish line. It was a nice little boost after feeling so crappy!
Martin had his own mini-triathlon trying to manage 2 kids for the 4+ hours we were at the race.
After 45 minutes of pure Gabby meltdown, Martin finally had both kids asleep just as I crossed the finish line.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Vacation Madness: Part 3
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Vacation Madness: Part 2 Legoland
Of course this would be the 1st picture Martin would take of Nolan at Lego Land!
We had orginally planned for Disneyland but were talked out of it by my sister since her oldest son had been dying to go to Legoland and her kids are a little whimpy (hey, they admit it themselves) about rides. Now, I don't know if Nolan would have been more into it if he hadn't have spent 12 hours at Sea World the day before, gone to bed at midnight and was up by 7 am to leave for Legoland. He was a little cranky but considering the circumstances I thought he did great.
We met up with the Weaver cousins for Legoland and Nolan was so excited to see his Idaho-ian cousins. The first stop was Dinosaur Dig Site where Nolan got to dig for dinosaur bones. He also went on his very first bonafied roller coaster - fittingly a Dinosaur Rollercoaster. He went on it once with Daddy and was a little unsure, went on it again with Grandma and then very matter of factly decided, "No do that no more".
Vacation Madness: Part 1 Sea World
The first stop was at Sea World. We went with Uncle Russell, Aunt Noelle and cousin Makena. Here we are watching a Sea Lion show.
This was by far Nolan's favorite part of the trip. Once he realized where we were he spent the whole time instructing us on who we needed to see: Stingrays, Nemo, Sharks, Whales. He was very adamate that he wasn't going to miss a thing.
Martin & Nolan visiting Shark Reef
Later in the afternoon my friend Terah met up with us with her hubby Tyler and boys Aiden (4) and Oliver (3 mo. just 10 days younger than Gabby). It was so awesome traveling with people who had little ones like us. We all had to stop to change diapers and feed babies at the same time. Our snail's pace would have driven anyone else bonkers but it was perfect for our groupl
Nolan got to go on the Elmo ride and spinning cups. There was a huge play area that he had a blast running around with his daddy. The next morning we asked Nolan how did he sleep and if he had any good dreams. He said yes, he dreamed about taking Riley Mae on the Elmo ride. Ahhh!
It's Potty Time!
Hmm, I wasn't really sure I was ready for this so I watched a little Dr. Phil, read a Parenting Magazine article and followed my friends lead. This is the result:
*Potties everywhere - in the bathroom, in the living room, outside, in the car.
*Naked Nolan - lots & lots of naked Nolan
*Rewards (I'm not admitting to bribes) - 1 jellybean for #1, 2 jellybeans for #2, he gets to call a dinosaur on the phone, a sticker for his potty chart - and when all 16 boxes are full he gets to watch a movie of his choice...usually Dinosaur
All in all it is going really good. We are on day 5 and he went the first 2 days with no accidents. On day 3 he experimented with peeing around the house. He came out of his room one time with both hands in the air and said, "Stop Mommy! Don't go in my room." Sure enough, he had peed on the floor. He does better naked than when he has underwear and better with underwear than with Pull-ups. So I'm not quite sure how long we can or should keep up with the Naked Nolan.
A special THANK YOU to all my friends who have accomidated Nolan with his dinosaur phone call reward. We really appreciate the time you have spend growling "Good job going on the potty, Nolan" and roaring like a T-Rex.