Of course this would be the 1st picture Martin would take of Nolan at Lego Land!
We had orginally planned for Disneyland but were talked out of it by my sister since her oldest son had been dying to go to Legoland and her kids are a little whimpy (hey, they admit it themselves) about rides. Now, I don't know if Nolan would have been more into it if he hadn't have spent 12 hours at Sea World the day before, gone to bed at midnight and was up by 7 am to leave for Legoland. He was a little cranky but considering the circumstances I thought he did great.
Brenden, Nolan, Hannah & Riley in front of Dinosaur Land
We met up with the Weaver cousins for Legoland and Nolan was so excited to see his Idaho-ian cousins. The first stop was Dinosaur Dig Site where Nolan got to dig for dinosaur bones. He also went on his very first bonafied roller coaster - fittingly a Dinosaur Rollercoaster. He went on it once with Daddy and was a little unsure, went on it again with Grandma and then very matter of factly decided, "No do that no more".
We met up with the Weaver cousins for Legoland and Nolan was so excited to see his Idaho-ian cousins. The first stop was Dinosaur Dig Site where Nolan got to dig for dinosaur bones. He also went on his very first bonafied roller coaster - fittingly a Dinosaur Rollercoaster. He went on it once with Daddy and was a little unsure, went on it again with Grandma and then very matter of factly decided, "No do that no more".
For those of you who haven't seen Nolan lately.. FYI - Nolan no longer talks he mainly roars like a dinosaur now. Here is a picture of him in mid roar.
Grandma, Gigi & Papa
Grandma and Papa Joyce could think of a million and one places they would rather be than Lego Land! They opted for a nap in the car mid way and didn't come out until closing time. They were troopers though for as long as they could last.
Martin kept pushing to go to the water rides. My sis & I couldn't figure out why he was being so insistent, like it would be the worst thing ever for the kids to miss this section. Then we saw him go to town with the water cannons and we understood....this was HIS section! He returned from round 1 with a wet & crying Nolan and said, "Here, he's freaking out". Plopped him in front of us and then took off in a full sprint for round 2 with Brenden. Jen & I couldn't stop laughing.
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