Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Woody's Roundup

If there's anything that could get me blogging after a 4 month hiatus it would be Halloween! I love dressing up. There really doesn't need to be a holiday involved for me to do it but it does help get everyone else on board.

This has been the year of Toy Story. Everyone in the family loves the movies and I was the one rushing to see the first show on opening day when TS3 came out in the theaters. As designated by Nolan the characters are as follows:
Nolan = Woody

Gabby = Jessie (originally casted as the horse Bullseye but she grew out of her costume before she could wear it)

Martin = Buzz Lightyear

Michelle = The Prospector AKA: Stinky Pete (originally casted as Jessie but see above casting problem)
The first event on our list (of 4) was Boo At The Zoo in Santa Barbara where we got to try out our costumes for the first time. We have a flurry of Halloween parties/activities to go to so I'm hoping all the costumes hold up! I don't feel like I'm the craftiest person in the world but I seem to make an exception when costumes are involved. I'm really proud (and so is Nolan) of Martin's Buzz costume. I made it myself out of white sweats and fabric paint.

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